
华南理工大学,吴贤铭智能工程学院,副教授(博导),主要研究面向新能源汽车及新型电力系统的电力电子技术,目前主持国家级、省部级和校企合作项目10余项,合作主持1项中国澳门科学技术发展基金项目,作为主要完成人参与中国香港科研资助项目4项,发表学术论文30余篇,其中以第一作者/通讯作者发表SCI论文23篇,入选中国科协战略发展部科技智库青年人才计划,获电力电子领域权威期刊IEEE TPEL杰出审稿人奖、IEEE APPEEC 2019会议最佳论文奖、IEEE PEAC 2022会议优秀论文奖、中国电源学会期刊邀稿,授权中美国专利1件和中国发明专利3件。

Research area

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[32] Wenhua Ding, Yufei Wang, Tingyu Chen, Zhenghong Lu, Yue You, Jingyu Wang, and Zhicong Huang*, “A stacking machine-learning based method for accelerating magnetic coupler design with ferrite cores in inductive power transfer applications,” International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, to appear.

[31] Hai Xu, Zhicong Huang, Xiaolu Lucia Li, and Chi K. Tse, “Misalignment-tolerant IPT coupler with enhanced magnetic flux variation suppression and reduced copper usage,”IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, to appear.(PDF)

[30] Zhicong Huang, Tian Qin, Xiaolu Lucia Li, Li Ding, Herbert Ho-Ching Iu, and Chi K. Tse, “Synthesis of inductive power transfer converters with dual immittance networks for inherent CC-to-CV charging profiles,”IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 39, no. 6, pp. 7766-7777, Jun. 2024.(PDF)

[29] Bowei Zou and Zhicong Huang*, “Primary-frequency-tuning and secondary-impedance-matching IPT converter with programmable constant power output and optimal efficiency tracking against variation of coupling coefficient,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 4895-4909, Apr. 2024.(PDF)

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Invention Patent

[1] Wireless charging circuit and system(美国专利,US 11,201,503 B2);

[2] 一种仿龙型飞行器(中国发明专利,ZL 2021 1 1498245.8);

[3] 一种恒流恒压自主切换的无线充电系统(中国发明专利,ZL 2021 1 0398355.0);

[4] 一种基于串联-串联补偿无线输电系统及均流方法(中国发明专利,ZL 2021 1 0631395.5);

Honors and Awards

[1] 2023年,ABB杯智能技术创新大赛(变频器半导体温度预测AI建模挑战赛)二等奖;

[2] 2022年,青蓝国际创新创业大赛初创组三等奖,“应用于自动导引车和新能源汽车的无线充电装置的研发及产业化”;

[3] 2022年,IEEE PEAC会议优秀论文奖;

[4] 2022年,入选中国科协战略发展部科技智库青年人才计划;

[5] 2021年,IEEE TPEL(电力电子领域权威期刊)杰出审稿人奖;

[6] 2019年,IEEE PES(电力与能源学会)APPEEC会议最佳论文奖;

[7] 2022年,第二届“率先杯”未来技术创新大赛初赛优胜奖,“用于出勤战车电能交互的模块化无线充放电装置”;

[8] 2020年,Outstanding Prize in Bank of China Trophy One Million Dollar Macao Regional Entrepreneurship Competition;
